
Handwriting (Zaner Bloser)
Handwriting instruction is presented using the Zaner-Bloser Handwriting Program. Students in K-1 learn to print with a vertical manuscript alphabet. Letters are written using four simple strokes: circle, horizontal line, vertical line and slanted line. Students in grade 2 make a gradual transition from manuscript to cursive writing. Instruction in grades 3-4 focuses on developing cursive writing skills. Pupils are expected to utilize proper handwriting when completing assignments in all subject areas.
The health program includes the study of the following topics: Nutrition, Personal Health Habits, Safety, Cardiovascular Fitness, Physical Fitness and a Chemical Awareness Program. The children acquire the skills in a sequential program that strives to develop wholesome attitudes toward the health and safety of the human body.
(Kindergarten—The Land of the Letter People, Wonders and Fundations) (Grades 1-4—McGraw Hill Wonders)
Integrated Language Arts encompass reading, composition, spelling, grammar, usage, speaking and listening. Students acquire competence through effective use of oral and written communication across the curriculum. The love of reading is nurtured through the use of authentic children's literature. Units of study are organized thematically. Phonics instruction is a critical component of grades K-2. We support differentiated instruction and flexible grouping as key instructional strategies. Writing rubrics, skills tests, fluency measures, and other forms of performance assessment are employed to measure progress. Computer assisted instruction in the school computer laboratories strengthens communication skills.
Integrated Language Arts

Integrated Language Arts encompass reading, composition, spelling, grammar, usage, speaking and listening. Students acquire competence through effective use of oral and written communication across the curriculum. The love of reading is nurtured through the use of authentic children's literature. Units of study are organized thematically. Phonics instruction is a critical component of grades K-2. We support differentiated instruction and flexible grouping as key instructional strategies. Writing rubrics, skills tests, fluency measures, and other forms of performance assessment are employed to measure progress. Computer assisted instruction in the school computer laboratories strengthens communication skills.
Mathematics (McGraw Hill, My Math)
My Math identifies student outcomes clearly and tailors lessons to meet these outcomes. By providing a conceptual understanding of mathematics, along with key areas of focus, students tackle real world, rigorous mathematical experiences. An on-line component allows for customizable, individualized instruction and practice.
The music programs are based on the belief that music is an essential part of each student's development. Both performance and non-performance aspects of music are given consideration. The core of the program is vocal music, which is scheduled regularly for each student in grades one through four. In addition, fourth grade students are offered a choir experience with the schedule permits.

The instrumental part of the program offers students the opportunity for performance. In grade three, stringed instrument instruction is available to students. The program is available through high school. Band instruction is available to students beginning in grade four and can be continued through high school.
Physical Education
The physical education program seeks to enhance physical development as well as intellectual development. It strives to develop wholesome attitudes toward the health and safety of the body and the need for continual activity through life.
The science program is taught through a process or “hands on” approach. It emphasizes a laboratory method of instruction that focuses on ways of developing basic skills in the processes of science. The methodology includes skills, centering on observing, classifying, measuring and predicting, as well as others required for scientific investigations and ways of processing information. Students in this program are provided with skills and knowledge that will serve as a springboard for future exploration of sciences as they progress through the Bethel Park school system. They also acquire skills which are needed to apply concepts and utilize knowledge in a purposeful way.
Our social studies program offers students the opportunity to acquire a basic understanding of the fundamental concepts and disciplines of anthropology, economics, geography, history, political science and sociology.
Science (ASSET Hands-On 2005) (Harcourt 2006)

Social Studies (McGraw Hill 2006—Grades 1-3) (Harcourt 2006—Grade 4)

Spelling (McGraw Hill Wonders--Grades 1-4)
Spelling words comprise the majority of a child's oral and written vocabulary. They are regarded as a representative sample of words with potential for drawing conclusions, which reflect language patterns. The students are accountable for weekly spelling words as well as for the ongoing application of spelling skills within the Integrated Language Arts program.